Thursday, December 12, 2024

Reminder:  Friday, Dec. 20, all students need to bring a sack lunch and drink.   After lunch, they will sing Christmas carols in the gym with their Advent Angel.  School will be dismissed at the regular time, 3:10 p.m..

For Your Information:
  •   There will be "Christmas spelling" next week.  The final test will be on Thursday!!
  •   No blog update next week (Merry Christmas!!).  
  • Please return the take-home folder on Friday so you do not have to keep track of it over the holidays!!!

I wish you and your family a safe, blessed Christmas holiday.  May the peace and goodwill of the holy season be with all of you.

See you “next year”!

Mrs. Levine

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Advent Activities

  • Everyday in the classroom, we open our day by lighting and praying around the Advent wreath.  We try to focus our attention on the coming of Jesus into our lives.  At mass on Wednesday, December 4, our Advent wreath was blessed.
  • On Wednesdays during Advent, your child gets together with their assigned Advent Angel (older student in our building) and does a specially planned activity.  These various activities are centered around the meaning of the season of Advent.  Be sure to ask your child each week what they are doing in their Advent angel activity.
  • The school has some adopted nursing home residents in need.  Please donate on Spirit Days and noisy change collection masses.
  • On the final day of school before Christmas vacation, Friday, Dec. 20, all students need to bring a sack lunch.  After lunch, they will sing Christmas carols with their Advent Angel. School will be dismissed at the regular time, 3:10 p.m..

Dates to Remember

Friday, Dec. 20 - Spirit Day
$1 to wear sweat/windpants
  • Wednesday, Dec. 11 - Noisy Change collection at mass 
(for our nursing home friends)

Friday, Dec. 20 - Spirit Day
$1 to wear sweat/windpants

Saturday, Dec. 21 - Sunday, Jan. 5
No School
Christmas vacation

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thanksgiving Note

Please remember:  The PTO readathon is ON!!  Previously, information was sent home about the program and special days.  Please check it out!!

 Winter Gear

This is just a "heads up" for making sure your child is prepared for the snow and cold weather.  I always say that St. Malachy students are prepared!!  Just a couple of thoughts:  Please mark your child's name on their snow boots and snow pants.  It really helps everyone so no "mix ups" occur.  And, for your information, if the air or wind chill are below 0 degrees, the students stay in for an "indoor recess".  If both air and wind chill are 0 degrees or above, the students will bundle up and go outside.  I check very carefully to ensure that your child is zipped, snapped, and covered before they go out!!  I try very hard to see that everything goes home each day (items may need to be dried and/or laundered).  As always, if you have questions, please contact me.

    No Spelling next week (because of the very short week!). 

Also, no Take-Home folders will be sent home next week! 
And, no first grade blog update!
Enjoy the holiday!!!

Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends!!

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
No School
Thanksgiving Vacation

Monday, December 2
School resumes 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

 Corning Opera House Field Trip

Last week, I sent home information about a field trip that the Kindergarten, First, and Second grades will be attending.  Next Wednesday, November 20, we will travel to Corning to enjoy lunch (each student is to bring a sack lunch), take a tour of the facility, learn about the productions, partake in some interactive dramatic play, and appreciate fine arts.  We plan to leave the school at 11 am and return about 2:30 pm..  Please have your child wear their class T-shirt that they just received and, yes, they may wear jeans on a mass day for our field trip.  

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, November 20
Field trip to the Corning Opera House
Please wear our class T-shirt and jeans are OK!!

Thursday, November 21
PTO/6 p.m.

Friday, November 22 - Spirit Day
(pay $1 to wear sweatpants)
End of trimester

Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
No School

Thanksgiving Vacation

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Cold weather note

Cold Weather

Please help your child remember their warm coat, hat, and gloves/mittens.  We have been very lucky with the unseasonably warm weather, but this is Iowa and we all know that it will not last!  When the weather turns colder, your child will be going outside for all 3 recesses (if the air and/or windchill is above 0 degrees).  Also, a reminder that your child will need snow boots.  “If there is snow on the ground, they will need boots on their feet!”

Dates to Remember
Friday, November 8 - Spirit Day
(pay $1 to wear sweatpants)

Wednesday, November 13
PTO/6 p.m.

Wednesday, November 20
Field trip to the Corning Opera House
Information is in today's take-home folder

Friday, November 22 - Spirit Day
(pay $1 to wear sweatpants)
End of trimester

Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
No School
Thanksgiving Vacation


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Halloween Note

 No Spelling and no blog update next week because of the short week and conferences.

Halloween Afternoon (Reminder)

On Wednesday, October 30, the first graders will enjoy a Halloween afternoon of fun.  Your child may bring their costume to school to put on before the Halloween parade.  Please try to make the costume easy for your child to get on by themselves or with little help. (Hopefully, something they can put on over their clothes.) I am asking that no make-up be used to help make the preparation less difficult.  The Halloween parade will be at 2:30 pm and all are welcome to watch. You may take your child with you after the parade, but please pick them up from the classroom. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Please remember that the dress code changes slightly on 

November 1st.  No more shorts until March!!

Dates to Remember in October/November

Wed., Oct. 30 - Halloween Adventure

Wed., Oct. 30 - Mass planned by Kindergarten & First
Bishop Joensen will be here! 

Mon., Oct. 28 - K,1, 2 will walk to our school's "safe place" for practice.

Mon., Oct. 28-Wed., Oct. 30 - Conferences after school

Thurs., Oct. 31 - Conferences (8 am-11 pm) 
No School

Fri., Nov. 1 - No School

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Halloween adventure info.

 Halloween Adventure

On Wednesday, October 30, the first graders will enjoy a Halloween afternoon of fun provided by a group of teachers and the middle school students. The fun begins with planned Halloween activities. These activities could include some of the following: storytelling, cookie decorating, spooky house, and perhaps other activities yet to be announced. Your child is invited to participate in the activities, but will not be forced.  At 2:15 p.m., the students will get dressed for the Halloween parade. Your child may bring their costume to school to put on at this time.  Please try to make the costume easy for your child to get on by themselves or with little help. (Hopefully, something they can put on over their clothes.) I am asking that no make-up be used to help make the preparation less difficult. Parents are always invited to view the costume parade in the gym at 2:30 p.m..  And, if you like, your child may leave with you after the parade.  Just come to the classroom to pick up your child.  If you have any questions, please email or call!!

Please do not send treats on Wednesday, October 30. The students get quite a bit to eat on this special day.

Please remember that the dress code changes slightly on 
November 1st.  No more shorts until March!!

Dates to Remember in October/November

Fri., Oct. 18 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

Let's all wear our new class shirts!!

Wed., Oct. 30 - Halloween Adventure (see above)

Wed., Oct. 30 - Mass planned by Kindergarten & First
Bishop Joensen will be here! 

Mon., Oct. 28-Wed., Oct. 30 - Conferences after school

Thurs., Oct. 31 - Conferences (8 am-11 pm) 
No School

Fri., Nov. 1 - No School

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Parent/teacher conferences

Thank you to those of you that signed up for conferences.  There are still some openings if you have not signed up.  I look forward to visiting with you about your child's progress.

Our new class shirts have arrived!!  Let's all try to wear them next Friday, October 18!!

Be sure to check out next week's blog for information about some Halloween plans at school!!

Dates to Remember in October

Fri., Oct. 11

Thompson's Fall Festival Field Trip

(Noon-2:30 pm)

Mon., Oct. 14

No School

Professional Development

Fri., Oct. 18

Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

Wed., Oct. 30
Halloween Adventure
(more info. to come!)

Mon., Oct. 29 - Thurs., Oct. 31
Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Fire Prevention info.

Check for a field trip permission form (it's green) in last week's take-home folder.  Please complete and return immediately.  Our field trip to Thompson's Fall Festival is fast approaching (Friday, October 11).

Fire Prevention Week - The first graders are learning about fire prevention in connection with the annual observance of fire prevention week (which is October 6-12).  We will watch a very good video about fire safety (with a Halloween theme!) and make a fire safety packet that we will work through.  (Ask your child about crawling low in smoke and stop, drop, and roll.)  Please visit with your child about fire safety in your home.  Be sure to practice a fire drill at your home.  I will be asking each first grader where their home meeting place is.  I am also sending home a fire safety checklist for you and your child to complete and return.  And, there are plans for our Creston firefighters to visit during that week!

Language Arts - Please continue to review the high frequency word lists (also known as sight words) that I sent home at the beginning of the school year.  They are divided into the weekly lists we learn each week.  (We have worked on/learned all the words for Module 1.  Currently, working on Module 2.)  Go over these as often as possible.  These are the words that your child needs to learn.  Very few of them can be sounded out.  Have your child find them in stories when you read to them.  The more “frequently” they practice these words will make them a better, more confident reader.

Dates to Remember

Fri. Oct. 4 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

It's also Red/Black day. Wear clothing to support Creston's Homecoming!

(Early dismissal/12:10 pm)

Sun., Oct. 6 - Sat. Oct. 12

National Fire Prevention Week

Creston Fire Department presentation to the First Grade

Fri., Oct. 11

Thompson's Fall Festival Field Trip

(Noon-2:30 pm)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Homecoming - Next Friday, October 4, is red and black day. Your child is encouraged to wear red and black clothing to support Creston High School as they celebrate homecoming (It's also a Spirit Day. For $1, your child can wear sweatpants to school.)  Also, school will be dismissed early/12:10 p.m.

Field Trip - Be sure to check out today's take-home folder for information and permission form for a field trip to the Thompson's Fall Festival.  We will be traveling to the pumpkin patch on Friday, October 11.  

Religion - October is the month of the rosary.  Mrs. Meisenheimer will be helping your child pray a portion of the rosary during religion class.  This unit of study will continue throughout the month of October.  Ask your child what he/she is learning in religion class.

Please remember to return your First Grade class T-shirt orders by Monday, September 30.

Dates to Remember

Fri. Oct. 4 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

It's also Red/Black day. Wear clothing to support Creston's Homecoming!

(Early dismissal/12:10 pm)

Sun., Oct. 6 - Sat. Oct. 12

National Fire Prevention Week

Creston Fire Department presentation to the First Grade

Thursday, September 19, 2024

 1st Grade Shirt - In today's take-home folder is an order form for a T-shirt for 1st grade.  We will designate some days during the school year to wear our shirts.  Please complete the order form/money by Monday, September 30.  There are a variety of ways to order and pay for your convenience (as outlined on the order form).  

Language Arts - Your child is finishing module 1 in language arts this week.  Please be sure to review your child's language art's papers in the weekly take-home folder.  Please continue to review the high frequency words (sight words) for modules 1, 2, and 3 that I sent home at the beginning of the year.  Your support in helping your child
learn to read these words will increase their confidence and fluency. 

Dates to Remember

Fri., Sept. 20 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

Fri. Oct. 4 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

It's also Red/Black day. Wear clothing to support Creston's Homecoming!

(Early dismissal/12:10 pm)

Sun., Oct. 6 - Sat. Oct. 12

National Fire Prevention Week

Creston Fire Department presentation to the First Grade

(9 am)

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Math information

The first graders are very busy understanding addition and subtraction.  They are learning about joining groups together and taking groups apart.  Math vocabulary is important in this area of learning.  Words they will be expected to know and recognize will be:  
  • add 
  • addend
  • sum
  • addition equation
  • plus (+)
  • is equal to (=)
  • subtract
  • difference
  • subtraction equation
  • minus (-)
  • compare
  • more
  • fewer
Be sure to review their math work in the weekly take-home folder to see how they are progressing.  Also, there is a computer program that your child is working on each week called Successmaker.  This program correlates with their math learning in the classroom.  It is leveled according to your child's abilities.  Make sure to ask your child about what they are learning in math!!

Dates to Remember

Mon., Sept. 16 - Green Valley PE field trip (10 am -2 pm)

Wed., Sept. 18 - PTO meeting (6 p.m.)

Fri., Sept. 20 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

Fri. Oct. 4 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

It's also Red/Black day. Wear clothing to support Creston's Homecoming!

(Early dismissal/12:10 pm)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Chromebook Information

Social Studies - The first graders are spending time at the beginning of the school year talking about themselves and what it’s like to be in school.  Thank you for helping your child complete the "All About Me" sheet that I sent home before school started.  We have shared parts of that page for each student and now the sheets are on display for all to enjoy.  It helped us all to acquaint ourselves with each other.   We will continue discussing the “how to be a friend” topic in class.  As we progress through the school year, I will update you on their Social Studies topics.

Chromebooks - Your child has a Chromebook at school.  Thank you for reading through the technology use policy and having your child sign it.  It is important that each student understands their responsibility.  We started with how to unplug and carry the Chromebook carefully.  Also, each student has their headphones that they have learned to plug into the computer (Thank you to all for purchasing those!).  I am so pleased with all of the first graders as they have learned a rather difficult log in procedure to "get on" their Chromebook.  And, they also can "sign out".  The students also can plug in their Chromebook and put away their headphones.  One of the most challenging things to learn is using a keyboard and mouse pad.  (There is no "swiping"!)    I want all of the first graders to be able to do this independently with little assistance from me.  (And most have!!!)  Once all of that was accomplished, we have been to some "sites" on the computer.  This year, we are utilizing a program entitled Successmaker to work on math concepts and skills.  I have also bookmarked the language arts site so each student can utilize the many learning opportunites provided and assessments.  Your child has been introduced to Code to learn the basics of computer science.  And, the school has subscribed to the program Typetastic to learn keyboarding skills.  The first graders will be utilizing the Seesaw website to complete daily/weekly assignments in class.  It's amazing that we have already accomplished all of this!!!  If you have any questions, please contact me.

Dates to Remember

Fri., Sept. 6 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

It's also Cy/Hawk day. Wear clothing to support your favorite team!

Wed., Sept. 18 - PTO meeting (6 p.m.)

Fri., Sept. 20 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

Fri. Oct. 4 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants)

It's also Red/Black day. Wear clothing to support Creston's Homecoming!

(Early dismissal/12:10 pm)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

First Grade Special Classes (& more)


Next week, the first graders will not have spelling.  It's a short week because of the Labor Day holiday and I am easing them into the language arts series by spreading the first week of instruction over two weeks.  If you have any questions, please contact me either by phone (782-7125) or email (


Our school’s music instructor is Mrs. Warner.  Your child has music class every Tuesday and Friday with her.  If you have any questions about music class, Mrs. Warner would be happy to answer them.


Our school’s physical education instructor is Mr. McCabe.  P.E. is every Monday and Thursday.  Always remember appropriate shoes.  If you have any questions about P.E., Mr. McCabe would be happy to answer them.


Our school's librarian is Mrs. VanGelder. Library for first grade is every Tuesday. Your child will check out 1 book, but must return it the next week before checking out another. If you have any questions, Mrs. VanGelder would be happy to answer them.


Please keep your child reading at home.  Go over the word lists I’ve sent in the take-home folder.  Your child should be reading to you each night (at least a page or two).  Whatever you can do at home to support your child’s reading will make them a better, more confident reader!!

Dates to Remember

Fri., Aug.30 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear sweatpants or wear a hat)

Mon., Sept. 2 - Labor Day (no school)

Wed., Sept. 4 - Welcome Back Picnic (5:30-6:30 p.m.)

Fri., Sept. 6 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear Cyclone/Hawkeye clothing to support the "Big" game)

Wed., Sept. 18 - PTO meeting (6 p.m.)

Fri. Oct. 4 - Spirit Day ($1 to wear red/black to support CHS)!

Creston Homecoming (12:10 p.m. dismissal)

Friday, August 23, 2024

Beginning of 2024 school year

Welcome to a new school year and a new grade for your child!

Take-home folder - The take home folder contains the papers your child has completed (and corrected) this week.  I will be sending this home each Thursday for you to familiarize yourself with your child’s weekly work.  Please sign the communication log each week and write any comments, questions, or concerns you might have (optional).  Please send the folder (and log sheet) back to school with your child the next day (usually Friday).  I am hopeful this method will keep you in touch with your child’s progress in first grade.

Special's Schedule - Parents often like to know some of the first grade schedule.  Every Wednesday is Liturgy in our gym at 9:15 a.m., which you are always welcome to attend.  Physical Education (P.E.) will be on Monday and Thursday (Please help your child remember to wear their tennis shoes on those days.  They could even leave an old pair in our classroom closet).  Music will be on Tuesday and Friday.  Sharing Time is on Friday (please read the sharing tab carefully).  Library checkout has been scheduled for Tuesday.  Your child should return their library books to checkout 1 more book. 

Spelling - Your child will begin spelling next week.  The number of spelling words will vary during the school year.  We begin the year with 6 words.  Usually the pretest is given on Monday.  Look for these papers in your child’s schoolbag as they are responsible for learning the spelling list by Friday of each week.  We practice in the room, but they need to practice at home as well (homework!).  

School Doors - The outside doors to our school will be locked during the school day.  You can come into the school through the front doors after ringing the bell and check in the office.

Email You are always welcome to email me ( with thoughts or concerns.  If you are informing me of a change in your child’s schedule that day, you need to call the office as I do not always check my email during the school day.  Any time your child’s after school plans change, you need to send a note or call/email Mrs. Sanchez in the office.

Handwriting - In your child's folder is a copy of the handwriting chart that I teach in first grade.  This method is called the Zaner-Bloser method of handwriting.  Please encourage your child to use this method at home.

Religion - Mrs. Meisenheimer (the 2nd grade teacher) is also the 1st grade religion teacher.  She has a blog page with a 1st grade religion tab that has information.  You can access her blog either from my blog (There is a link on the right hand side) or the St. Malachy website.  Be sure to check it out today as she has posted some of the prayers your child is expected to know. 

I am here for your child and you.  Please email me ( or call me (school 782-7125) whenever you have questions or concerns. 

Thank you and let’s have a great school year!